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a network for developers and users of imaging and analysis tools
Gopi SHAH: ‘Panoramic Light Sheet Microscopy’

The ever-increasing speed and resolution of modern microscopes make the storage and post-processing of images challenging. We developed a 4-lens light sheet microscope combined with real-time image-processing engine that projects the 3D image volume onto a 2D map, reducing the data generated as well as providing a panoramic view of the sample. In my talk, I will discuss our multi-dimensional imaging approach, integrating whole-embryo live imaging, genetic information and analysis of an ensemble of specimen to understand how large-scale tissue movements shape the early zebrafish embryo.

‘Panoramic Light Sheet Microscopy’


(Light Microsocpy, CRUK Cambridge Institute &  Jan Huisken Lab, MPI-CBG, Dreden)

Friday, 24th June 2016, 3-4pm

Physiology Lecture Theatre
Downing Site
University of Cambridge
Downing St
Cambridge CB2 3EA

Cambridge Advanced Imaging Lectures - a monthly lecture series on imaging techniques, analysis tools, imaging applications and developments across disciplines organised by Stefanie Reichelt (CRUK CI), Alex Sossick (Gurdon) and Kevin O’Holleran (CAIC).