Submitted by Prof Carola-Bib... on Wed, 29/01/2014 - 12:43
Image segmentation problems appear in areas such as image editing (separating foreground from background, merging multiple images), medical applications (separating gray and white matter, finding structures in medical images), and biological imaging (finding cells and nuclei, detecting cancerous cells).
In image segmentation problems, we look for a partition of the image domain into regions with certain characteristics. Such problems appear in areas such as image editing (separating foreground from background, merging multiple images), medical applications (separating gray and white matter, finding structures in medical images), and biological imaging (finding cells and nuclei, detecting cancerous cells). They can be viewed as variational problems with integer constraints, which are generally very hard to solve. We work on new ways of approximating such problems through convex relaxation techniques, encoding prior geometrical knowledge, and solving them numerically. To have a look at one of our recent papers click here http://www.damtp.cam.ac.uk/user/jl707/_media/lellmann_ijcv13.pdf