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a network for developers and users of imaging and analysis tools

Cambridge Advanced Imaging Lectures - Kevin O'Holleran and Ruth Sims

The Cambridge Advanced Imaging centre will address some of the most pressing needs in modern biological imaging through the customised development of instruments. In order to harness the potential of new technologies most effectively, biological applications and technological solutions must be developed hand-in-hand. By clearly defining what they want to see and measure, biological scientists can help physical scientists devise microscopes that make that vision possible. By augmenting the best commercial and University-developed instruments, the Centre will offer the latest developments in light and electron microscopy, adapted to specific biomedical questions. These instruments will surpass commercial microscopes in capability, whilst being cost-effective in development and maintenance.

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Friday, 22 January, 2016 - 15:00 to 16:00
Event location: 
the Lecture Theatre, Sanger Building, Department of Biochemistry, 80 Tennis Court Road, Cambridge CB2 1GA